Sunday, 12 June 2011

Think Globally, Act Locally - Listen to my interview on Stroud FM from anywhere in the world!

TUESDAY 14 JUNE 4pm GMT, repeated SUNDAY 19 JUNE 3pm GMT
Visit and click Listen Live!

For someone like myself, whose idea of heaven on earth is a desert island, the recent radio interview I did was more than a lot of fun! I got to chose five tracks of my favourite music to play in classic 'Desert Island Disc' style.

Listen out for the Gayatri Mantra, one of the most ancient and most powerful chants, also Kathy Zavada, the unforgettable Argentinian Mercedes Sosa, Eva Cassidy and the Kenyan Ayub Ogada.

In between tracks we talked about my new book 'In Case of Spiritual Emergency', the Spiritual Crisis Network, the local Stroud group of the SCN and so much more... Swithin Fry, the presenter of 'The Art Lot Slot' kept me on my toes!

I have to say, Stroud FM's studio was surprisingly far more spacious (almost palatial in comparison!) than the tiny, but very smart studio in London where my interview with Mark Tully for BBC Radio 4 was recorded.

Stay tuned for more details of upcoming interviews I'm doing...

Happy Listening!